Top 5 ways to get your garden ready for Winter

Before you migrate to Bali to thaw out, there's still plenty of work to be done in the garden as we head towards Winter. ❄ We help remove the mystery & guesswork with these handy tips:


Boodle Concept: Caring for your Liriope garden this Winter

Give your Liriope a rest:

Brown foliage is unappealing - the key is to prune it back before the new grown starts to emerge out of the crown. Trim with sharp shears or hedge trimmers as low to ground level as you can. Be rewarded with healthy new growth and more impressive flower displays.


Tackle your bush roses, late Winter:

Well we recommend pruning Roses in late Winter. (Prune roses too early and they start growing and may get whacked back by those unsuspecting early frosts.) All you need is a sharp pair of pruners and a pair of gloves. Cut out the middle bulk, remove the dead or damaged wood, and cut out all the cross branching. Cut back vertical branches to an outward facing bud. Cut 10-20mm above the bud, on a 45° angle, which encourages water to roll away. Your objective should be to reduce the bush rose to about 1/3 in size. Aim for an evenly balanced prune. As Spring comes and the ground warms up, watch your roses explode with blooms!


Boodle Concepts: Preparing your vegetable patch this Winter Vegetable Gardening tips:

Help your vegetable garden plants from being attacked by common caterpillars plus other insects like trips, codling moth, pear & cherry slug and citrus leaf mite. You can just pick them off and tread on them, or for larger crops, spray with Yates 'Success' (organic and safe to use). Plant brown onion, carrots, quick growing radish, beetroot. Consider planting into a fine seed raising mix, in a seed tray. Cover the seed with minimal soil. Water and cover with a seed tray lid, keeping the soil warm. When the seedlings are 2-3cm tall, plant them out in Spring. Like any large seed, pop them in a bowl of warm water overnight. They'll absorb water and sink to the bottom, promoting germination 👍


Boodle Concepts: Aerating the lawn this WinterAerating your Winter lawn:

Chances are your lawn is well-compacted and weedy after a hot Summer. Aerating now lets moisture into the soil so you can begin to rejuvenate the lawn in spring. Use a garden fork or hire a powered aerator. Top dress with a fine layer of coarse sand or loam. Nourish with a high-nitrogen fertiliser in Spring (or every 3 months). If you notice the rain is puddling and not absorbed into the soil, apply a hose-on soil wetting agent.


Boodle Concepts: Winter lawn careTackling Winter weeds in your lawn:

During winter, your mower gets to take a bit of a break. Leaving your lawn on the long side (especially in shaded areas) will mean there is extra leaf area for photosynthesis, which will help to keep your lawn healthier and hold out those pesky winter weeds. During winter, your lawn won't be as lush and thick as other seasons, therefore weeds will find it easier to penetrate. Treat weeds over Winter for more chance of getting rid of them before they germinate and spread!


Stay warm! 🔥

Keep your fingers toasty with our sculptural Ethanol fire burner:


Boodle Concepts: Winter firepit

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